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Amsinckia menziesii
Amsinckia menziesii
Amsinckia menziesii
Amsinckia menziesii

Amsinckia menziesii


क्षेत्र 8

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के बारे में

Amsinckia menziesii, commonly known as Menzies' fiddleneck, is an annual plant in the Boraginaceae family. It is native to western North America, particularly in temperate climates. The plant is known for its coiled flower clusters that resemble the neck of a fiddle. It typically grows in open, sunny areas and is often found in disturbed soils.

के रूप में भी जाना जाता है

Benthamia Micrantha
Benthamia Parviflora
Menzies' Fiddleneck
Amsinckia copelandii
Amsinckia douglasiana var. interior
Amsinckia eatonii
Amsinckia helleri
Amsinckia hirticaulis
Amsinckia hispidissima
Amsinckia menziesii f. angustisepala
Amsinckia menziesii f. latisepala
Amsinckia menziesii var. menziesii
Amsinckia menziesii var. microcarya
Amsinckia menziesii var. retrorsa
Amsinckia micrantha
Amsinckia parviflora
Amsinckia retrorsa
Amsinckia sparsiflora
Benthamia menziesii
Benthamia retrorsa
Echium menziesii


मिट्टीचिकनी बलुई मिट्टी का
रोशनीप्रत्यक्ष उज्ज्वल (6 घंटे)

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देखभाल के निर्देश
Amsinckia menziesii thrives in full sun and prefers moderate temperatures. It does well in areas with low to moderate humidity. Water the plant sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out almost completely between waterings. This plant is relatively easy to care for and does not require frequent attention.
The plant prefers well-draining loamy soil. It can tolerate poor soil conditions but thrives best in moderately nutrient-rich soil. Ensure the soil has good drainage to prevent waterlogging.
Amsinckia menziesii does not require regular fertilization. If desired, a light application of a balanced fertilizer can be used during the growing season to promote healthy growth.
As an annual plant, Amsinckia menziesii does not require repotting. It completes its life cycle within one growing season and will not need to be moved to a new pot.
Propagation is typically done through seeds. Sow the seeds directly into the soil in early spring after the last frost. Ensure the seeds are lightly covered with soil and keep the area moist until germination occurs.
Pruning is not necessary for Amsinckia menziesii. The plant will naturally complete its life cycle and die back at the end of the growing season.
Amsinckia menziesii is toxic to livestock and pets if ingested. The plant contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which can cause liver damage. It is advisable to keep this plant away from grazing animals and pets.
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आपके पौधे के मुख्य मेट्रिक्स - मिट्टी की नमी, प्रकाश, तापमान और आर्द्रता - के साथ-साथ वाष्प दबाव की कमी (वीपीडी) और बढ़ती डिग्री के दिन (जीडीडी) जैसे यौगिक मेट्रिक्स को सटीक रूप से मापता है।

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