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Atriplex rosea
Atriplex rosea
Atriplex rosea
Atriplex rosea

Atriplex rosea


क्षेत्र 6

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के बारे में

Atriplex rosea, commonly known as red orach, is a species in the Amaranthaceae family. It is native to Eurasia but has spread to other parts of the world. This plant is known for its tolerance to saline soils and is often found in disturbed areas. It is an annual herb that can grow up to 1 meter tall.

के रूप में भी जाना जाता है

Chenopodium Roseum
Red Orach
Atriplex alba
Atriplex albicans
Atriplex arenicola
Atriplex arenicola var. albescens
Atriplex argentea
Atriplex axillaris
Atriplex besseriana
Atriplex foliolosa
Atriplex foliosa
Atriplex graeci
Atriplex monoica
Atriplex polysperma
Atriplex rosea subsp. foliolosa
Atriplex rosea subsp. terraconensis
Atriplex spatiosa
Atriplex terraconensis
Atriplex verticillata


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देखभाल के निर्देश
Atriplex rosea is relatively easy to care for. It prefers full sun and can tolerate dry conditions. Moderate temperatures are ideal for its growth. It does not require high humidity and can thrive in average household conditions.
This plant prefers well-draining loamy soil but can tolerate a range of soil types, including saline soils. Ensure the soil dries out almost completely between waterings to prevent root rot.
Atriplex rosea does not have high fertilizer requirements. If desired, a balanced fertilizer can be applied sparingly during the growing season.
Repotting is generally not necessary for Atriplex rosea as it is an annual plant. However, if grown in containers, ensure the pot has good drainage and repot if the plant outgrows its container.
Atriplex rosea can be propagated by seeds. Sow the seeds directly in the soil in early spring after the last frost. Ensure the soil is well-draining and keep it moderately moist until germination.
Pruning is not required for Atriplex rosea. However, you can trim back any dead or damaged parts to maintain the plant's appearance.
Atriplex rosea is not known to be toxic to pets or humans. However, as with all plants, it is best to prevent pets and children from ingesting any part of the plant.
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