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Echium vulgare
Echium vulgare
Echium vulgare
Echium vulgare

Echium vulgare


क्षेत्र 4

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के बारे में

Echium vulgare, commonly known as Viper's Bugloss, is a member of the Boraginaceae family. It is native to Europe and temperate Asia but has spread to other regions. This plant is known for its striking blue flowers and can grow as an annual or biennial. It thrives in temperate climates and is often found in meadows, roadsides, and waste areas.

के रूप में भी जाना जाता है

Viper's Bugloss
Echium anglicum
Echium elegans
Echium lacaitae
Echium laetum
Echium lusitanicum
Echium molle
Echium monstrosum
Echium parviflorum
Echium schifferi
Echium spinescens
Echium tenoreanum
Echium tuberculatum
Echium vaudense
Echium violaceum
Echium vulgare f. albiflorum
Echium vulgare f. vulgare
Echium vulgare var. grandiflorum
Echium vulgare var. lacaitae
Echium vulgare var. vulgare
Echium wierzbickii


मिट्टीचिकनी बलुई मिट्टी का
रोशनीप्रत्यक्ष उज्ज्वल (6 घंटे)
निद्रा3 महीने


देखभाल के निर्देश
Echium vulgare is relatively easy to care for. It prefers full sun and can tolerate dry conditions. Moderate temperatures are ideal for its growth. While it can handle lower humidity levels, it does best in environments with moderate humidity. Regular watering is necessary, but the soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings.
Echium vulgare prefers well-draining soil, ideally a loamy mix. It can tolerate poor soil conditions but thrives in moderately nutrient-rich soil. Good drainage is essential to prevent root rot.
This plant does not have high fertilizer requirements. If desired, a balanced fertilizer can be applied sparingly during the growing season to support its growth.
Repotting is generally not necessary for Echium vulgare as it is typically grown outdoors. However, if grown in a container, repotting can be done in the early spring before the growing season begins.
Echium vulgare can be propagated by seeds. Sow the seeds in the spring or fall directly into the soil. Ensure the soil is well-draining and keep it moderately moist until germination occurs.
Pruning is not required for Echium vulgare. However, deadheading spent flowers can encourage more blooms and prevent self-seeding if that is not desired.
Echium vulgare is toxic to both pets and humans. All parts of the plant contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which can cause liver damage if ingested. It is advisable to handle the plant with care and keep it out of reach of pets and children.
Echium vulgare is known for attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies, making it a great addition to a pollinator-friendly garden. It is also deer-resistant, which can be beneficial in areas with high deer populations.
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