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Hippeastrum striatum
Hippeastrum striatum
Hippeastrum striatum
Hippeastrum striatum

Hippeastrum striatum


क्षेत्र 9

और अधिक जानें

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के बारे में

Hippeastrum striatum, commonly known as the striped amaryllis, is a bulbous geophyte native to seasonally dry tropical climates. It belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family and is known for its striking, trumpet-shaped flowers with red and white stripes. The plant undergoes a dormancy period during the dry season.

के रूप में भी जाना जाता है

Barbados Lily
Callicore Rutila
Celebes Pepper
Ornate Pepper Vine
Amaryllis acuminata
Amaryllis acuminata var. longipedunculata
Amaryllis bahiensis
Amaryllis crocata
Amaryllis miniata
Amaryllis pulverulenta
Amaryllis rutila
Amaryllis rutilans
Amaryllis striata
Amaryllis striata var. acuminata
Amaryllis striata var. crocata
Amaryllis subbarbata
Callicore crocata
Hippeastrum acuminatum
Hippeastrum bahiense
Hippeastrum brasiliense
Hippeastrum bulbulosum
Hippeastrum bulbulosum var. acuminatum
Hippeastrum bulbulosum var. crocatum
Hippeastrum bulbulosum var. equestriforme
Hippeastrum bulbulosum var. ignescens
Hippeastrum bulbulosum var. pallidum
Hippeastrum bulbulosum var. pulverulentum
Hippeastrum bulbulosum var. rutilum
Hippeastrum bulbulosum var. simsianum
Hippeastrum bulbulosum var. subbarbatum
Hippeastrum crocatum
Hippeastrum latifolium
Hippeastrum martianum
Hippeastrum proliferum
Hippeastrum rutilum
Hippeastrum rutilum var. acuminatum
Hippeastrum rutilum var. citrinum
Hippeastrum rutilum var. crocatum
Hippeastrum rutilum var. fulgidum
Hippeastrum simsianum
Hippeastrum subbarbatum
Hippeastrum unguiculatum
Lais crocata


मिट्टीचिकनी बलुई मिट्टी का
रोशनीअप्रत्यक्ष उज्ज्वल (6 घंटे)
निद्रा3 महीने

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देखभाल के निर्देश
Hippeastrum striatum requires bright, indirect light and moderate temperatures. It thrives in environments with moderate humidity. Water the plant sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out almost completely between waterings. During its dormancy period, reduce watering significantly.
The plant prefers well-draining loam soil. Ensure the soil mix allows for good drainage to prevent bulb rot. A mix of potting soil with added sand or perlite works well.
Use a balanced fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio of 10-10-10. Fertilize the plant every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. Reduce or stop fertilizing during the dormancy period.
Repot Hippeastrum striatum every 2-3 years or when the bulb outgrows its pot. Repot during the dormant period. Use fresh, well-draining soil and a pot that allows for some growth.
Propagate by separating offsets from the main bulb during repotting. Ensure each offset has roots attached. Plant the offsets in individual pots with well-draining soil.
Pruning is not typically required for Hippeastrum striatum. Remove spent flowers and dead leaves to maintain plant health and appearance.
Hippeastrum striatum is toxic to pets and humans if ingested. The bulbs contain toxic compounds that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other symptoms. Handle with care and keep out of reach of children and pets.
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