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Larix decidua
Larix decidua
Larix decidua
Larix decidua

Larix decidua


क्षेत्र 2

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के बारे में

Larix decidua, commonly known as the European larch, is a deciduous conifer native to the mountains of central Europe. It is a member of the Pinaceae family and the genus Larix. This tree is known for its needle-like leaves that turn golden yellow in the fall before shedding. It thrives in temperate climates and can grow up to 45 meters tall. The European larch has a dormancy period during the winter months.

के रूप में भी जाना जाता है

Christmas Pine
Christmas Spruce
European Larch
White Spruce
Abies larix
Abies larix var. pendula
Larix caducifolia
Larix communis
Larix decidua f. pendula
Larix decidua subsp. europaea
Larix decidua subsp. sudetica
Larix decidua var. pendula
Larix decidua var. pendulina
Larix europaea
Larix europaea var. pendula
Larix europaea var. pendulina
Larix excelsa
Larix gracilis
Larix larix
Larix pyramidalis
Larix sudetica
Larix vulgaris
Peuce larix
Picea larix
Pinus laeta
Pinus larix
Pinus larix var. europaea
Pinus larix var. pendula


मिट्टीचिकनी बलुई मिट्टी का
रोशनीप्रत्यक्ष उज्ज्वल (6 घंटे)
निद्रा4 महीने


देखभाल के निर्देश
To care for Larix decidua, provide it with plenty of direct sunlight and ensure it receives moderate temperatures. The tree prefers a temperate climate and moderate humidity. Water the tree regularly, allowing the soil to dry out partially between waterings. Pruning is necessary to maintain its shape and health.
Larix decidua prefers well-draining loamy soil. It can tolerate a range of soil types but thrives best in slightly acidic to neutral pH levels. Ensure the soil has good drainage to prevent waterlogging.
This tree does not have high fertilizer requirements. If needed, a balanced fertilizer can be applied during the growing season to support its growth.
Larix decidua is not typically grown in pots, so repotting is not a common practice. If grown in a container, repotting should be done in early spring before new growth begins.
Propagation of Larix decidua can be done through seeds or cuttings. Seeds should be sown in the fall or stratified before planting in the spring. Cuttings can be taken in late summer and rooted in a well-draining medium.
Pruning is essential for Larix decidua to maintain its shape and remove any dead or diseased branches. Prune in late winter or early spring before new growth starts.
Larix decidua is not known to be toxic to pets or humans. However, as with all plants, it is best to prevent ingestion of any plant material.
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