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Ocimum tenuiflorum
Ocimum tenuiflorum
Ocimum tenuiflorum
Ocimum tenuiflorum

Ocimum tenuiflorum


क्षेत्र 10

और अधिक जानें

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के बारे में

Ocimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as Holy Basil or Tulsi, is a perennial or subshrub in the family Lamiaceae. Native to the Indian subcontinent, it is widely cultivated throughout the Southeast Asian tropics. It is revered in Hinduism and is often grown in homes and temples. The plant has a bushy appearance with green or purple leaves and small, white to purplish flowers.

के रूप में भी जाना जाता है

Holy Basil
Lumnitzera Tenuiflora
Moschosma Tenuiflora
Plectranthus Monachorum
Geniosporum tenuiflorum
Ocimum anisodorum
Ocimum caryophyllinum
Ocimum hirsutum
Ocimum inodorum
Ocimum monachorum
Ocimum sanctum
Ocimum sanctum var. angustifolium
Ocimum sanctum var. cubensis
Ocimum sanctum var. hirsutum
Ocimum scutellarioides
Ocimum subserratum
Ocimum tenuiflorum forma villicaulis
Ocimum tenuiflorum var. anisodorum
Ocimum tomentosum
Ocimum villosum


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रोशनीप्रत्यक्ष उज्ज्वल (6 घंटे)

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देखभाल के निर्देश
Holy Basil thrives in warm, sunny conditions with moderate temperatures. It prefers bright, direct sunlight for several hours a day. The plant should be watered regularly but allowed to dry out partially between waterings. It also benefits from moderate humidity levels.
Ocimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as Holy Basil or Tulsi, is typically ready for harvest about 90 days after planting. Harvesting should be done in the morning after the dew has dried but before the heat of the day. To harvest, cut the stems just above a pair of leaves to encourage bushier growth. Regular harvesting can promote more vigorous growth and prevent the plant from flowering too early. Leaves can be harvested individually or by cutting entire stems, depending on the intended use. Ensure to leave enough foliage for the plant to continue growing.
Holy Basil prefers well-draining loamy soil that retains some moisture but does not become waterlogged. A mix of garden soil with compost or organic matter works well. Ensure the soil has good drainage to prevent root rot.
Holy Basil benefits from a balanced fertilizer with a nutrient composition of 3-1-2. Fertilize the plant every 4-6 weeks during the growing season to promote healthy growth.
Repot Holy Basil when it outgrows its current container, typically every 1-2 years. Choose a slightly larger pot with good drainage. Gently remove the plant from its old pot, loosen the roots, and place it in the new pot with fresh soil.
Holy Basil can be propagated through seeds or cuttings. For seed propagation, sow seeds in a well-draining soil mix and keep them moist until germination. For cuttings, take a healthy stem cutting, remove the lower leaves, and place it in water or soil until roots develop.
Prune Holy Basil regularly to encourage bushier growth and prevent it from becoming leggy. Pinch off the tips of the stems and remove any dead or yellowing leaves. Pruning also helps to promote flowering.
Holy Basil is not toxic to pets or humans. It is often used in traditional medicine and culinary applications. However, as with any plant, it is best to avoid excessive consumption.
Holy Basil is known for its medicinal properties and is often used in herbal teas and remedies. It is believed to have adaptogenic properties, helping the body to cope with stress. Regular harvesting of the leaves can encourage new growth and maintain the plant's health.
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