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Phyllanthus reticulatus
Phyllanthus reticulatus
Phyllanthus reticulatus
Phyllanthus reticulatus

Phyllanthus reticulatus


क्षेत्र 10

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के बारे में

Phyllanthus reticulatus, commonly known as Black-berried Leaf-flower, is a scrambling shrub or small tree native to tropical regions. It thrives in wet tropical climates and is known for its reticulated leaves and small black berries. This plant is part of the Phyllanthaceae family and the Phyllanthus genus.

के रूप में भी जाना जाता है

Anisonema Dubium
Anisonema Intermedium
Anisonema Jamaicense
Anisonema Multiflorum
Anisonema Puberulum
Anisonema Reticulatum
Anisonema Wrightianum
Anisonema Zollingeri
Cicca Decandra
Cicca Reticulata
Diasperus Multiflorus
Melanthesa Oblongifolia
Retired Leaf
Diasperus reticulatus
Kirganelia dubia
Kirganelia intermedia
Kirganelia lineata
Kirganelia multiflora
Kirganelia multiflora var. glabra
Kirganelia prieuriana
Kirganelia prieuriana var. glabra
Kirganelia puberula
Kirganelia reticulata
Kirganelia sinensis
Kirganelia wightiana
Phyllanthus alaternoides
Phyllanthus chamissonis
Phyllanthus dalbergioides
Phyllanthus depressus
Phyllanthus griseus
Phyllanthus jamaicensis
Phyllanthus microcarpus var. dalbergioides
Phyllanthus microcarpus var. pallidus
Phyllanthus multiflorus
Phyllanthus oblongifolius
Phyllanthus pentandrus
Phyllanthus prieurianus
Phyllanthus prieurianus var. glaber
Phyllanthus puberulus
Phyllanthus pulchellus
Phyllanthus reticulatus var. glaber
Phyllanthus reticulatus var. reticulatus
Phyllanthus scandens
Phyllanthus sinensis var. dalbergioides
Phyllanthus spinescens
Phyllanthus takaoensis


पानीबहुत गीला
मिट्टीचिकनी बलुई मिट्टी का
रोशनीअप्रत्यक्ष उज्ज्वल (6 घंटे)


देखभाल के निर्देश
Phyllanthus reticulatus prefers bright, indirect light and thrives in warm, humid conditions. It should be kept in a location with moderate temperatures and high humidity. Regular watering is essential to keep the soil consistently moist.
This plant prefers loamy soil that retains moisture well. Ensure the soil is well-draining to prevent waterlogging, which can harm the roots. A mix of loam and organic matter works best.
Use a balanced fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio of 10-10-10. Fertilize the plant every 4-6 weeks during the growing season to support its growth and development.
Repot Phyllanthus reticulatus every 2-3 years or when it outgrows its current pot. Choose a slightly larger pot with good drainage. Carefully transfer the plant to avoid damaging the roots.
Propagate this plant through cuttings or seeds. Take cuttings during the growing season and root them in a moist, well-draining medium. Seeds can be sown in a similar medium and kept moist until germination.
Prune Phyllanthus reticulatus to maintain its shape and encourage bushier growth. Pruning can be done during the growing season. Remove any dead or damaged branches to promote healthy growth.
Phyllanthus reticulatus is not known to be toxic to pets or humans. However, it is always advisable to keep plants out of reach of pets and children to avoid any accidental ingestion.
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प्लांट मॉनिटर

प्लांट मॉनिटर

आपके प्लांट में रहता है

आपके पौधे के मुख्य मेट्रिक्स - मिट्टी की नमी, प्रकाश, तापमान और आर्द्रता - के साथ-साथ वाष्प दबाव की कमी (वीपीडी) और बढ़ती डिग्री के दिन (जीडीडी) जैसे यौगिक मेट्रिक्स को सटीक रूप से मापता है।

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आपके पौधों की जरूरतों के बारे में सटीक रूप से सूचित करने के लिए आपके पौधों के डेटा, वर्तमान मौसम, मौसमी और बहुत कुछ का मूल्यांकन करता है। यह ऐप आपके पौधों के फलने-फूलने को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कई अतिरिक्त सुविधाओं से भी भरा हुआ है।

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