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Utricularia subulata
Utricularia subulata
Utricularia subulata
Utricularia subulata

Utricularia subulata


क्षेत्र 9

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के बारे में

Utricularia subulata, commonly known as the zigzag bladderwort, is a small, annual carnivorous plant in the family Lentibulariaceae. It is native to subtropical regions and is known for its unique method of trapping small aquatic organisms using bladder-like structures. This plant thrives in wet, nutrient-poor environments and is often found in bogs and marshes.

के रूप में भी जाना जाता है

Enetophyton Cleistogamum
Vesiculina Setacea
Setiscapella cleistogama
Setiscapella subulata
Utricularia angolensis
Utricularia bradei
Utricularia cleistogama
Utricularia filiformis
Utricularia marcelliana
Utricularia nervosa var. minor
Utricularia obsoleta
Utricularia oligocista
Utricularia perpusilla
Utricularia rendlei
Utricularia setacea
Utricularia subulata f. cleistogama
Utricularia subulata f. minor
Utricularia subulata f. subulata
Utricularia subulata var. cleistogama
Utricularia subulata var. inaequalis
Utricularia subulata var. minuta
Utricularia subulata var. tridenticulata
Utricularia tenuiscapa
Utricularia triloba


पानीबहुत गीला
मिट्टीपीट का
रोशनीअप्रत्यक्ष उज्ज्वल (6 घंटे)


देखभाल के निर्देश
Utricularia subulata requires bright, indirect light and consistently moist conditions. It thrives in moderate temperatures and high humidity. This plant does not require fertilization as it obtains nutrients from trapping small organisms. Ensure the plant is kept in a humid environment to mimic its natural habitat.
The soil for Utricularia subulata should be peat-based and kept consistently wet. It prefers nutrient-poor, acidic soil with good drainage. Avoid using regular potting soil as it may contain too many nutrients.
Utricularia subulata does not require fertilizer. It obtains its nutrients from the small organisms it traps. Adding fertilizer can harm the plant by providing too many nutrients.
Repotting Utricularia subulata is generally not necessary unless the plant outgrows its container. If repotting is needed, do so in the growing season and use a peat-based soil mix. Handle the plant gently to avoid damaging its delicate structures.
Utricularia subulata can be propagated by division or from seed. Division is best done during the growing season by carefully separating the plant into smaller sections. Seeds can be sown on the surface of moist peat and kept in a humid environment until they germinate.
Pruning is not required for Utricularia subulata. Simply remove any dead or decaying parts to maintain the plant's health and appearance.
Utricularia subulata is not toxic to pets or humans. It is a safe plant to have in households with animals or children.
Ensure that Utricularia subulata is kept in a humid environment, as it mimics the plant's natural habitat. Using a humidity tray or a terrarium can help maintain the necessary humidity levels.
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