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Verbena urticifolia
Verbena urticifolia
Verbena urticifolia
Verbena urticifolia

Verbena urticifolia


क्षेत्र 4

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के बारे में

Verbena urticifolia, commonly known as White Vervain, is a perennial plant in the family Verbenaceae. It is native to North America and typically found in temperate climates. The plant has a growth habit that includes tall, slender stems with small white flowers. It is known for its ability to thrive in a variety of soil types and conditions.

के रूप में भी जाना जाता है

White Vervain
Verbena curtisii
Verbena diffusa
Verbena incarnata
Verbena urticifolia f. incarnata
Verbena urticifolia f. simplex
Verbena urticifolia var. incarnata
Verbena urticifolia var. leiocarpa
Verbena urticifolia var. simplex
Verbena urticifolia var. urticifolia


मिट्टीचिकनी बलुई मिट्टी का
रोशनीअप्रत्यक्ष उज्ज्वल (6 घंटे)
निद्रा3 महीने

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देखभाल के निर्देश
White Vervain prefers moderate temperatures and indirect bright light. It thrives in environments with moderate humidity and should be watered when the soil partially dries out. Regular pruning helps maintain its shape and encourages new growth.
Verbena urticifolia prefers loamy soil that is well-draining. It can tolerate a range of soil types but performs best in soil that retains some moisture without becoming waterlogged.
A balanced fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio of 10-10-10 is suitable for White Vervain. Fertilize the plant during the growing season to support its development.
Repotting is generally not necessary for White Vervain as it is typically grown outdoors. However, if grown in a container, repotting every 2-3 years can help refresh the soil and provide more space for root growth.
White Vervain can be propagated through seeds or cuttings. The best time to propagate is during the spring or early summer. For cuttings, take a healthy stem, remove the lower leaves, and place it in moist soil until roots develop.
Pruning is beneficial for White Vervain to remove dead or damaged stems and to encourage bushier growth. Prune in early spring before new growth begins.
Verbena urticifolia is not known to be toxic to pets or humans. It is generally considered safe to handle and grow in gardens where pets and children are present.
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