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Viburnum dilatatum
Viburnum dilatatum
Viburnum dilatatum
Viburnum dilatatum

Viburnum dilatatum


क्षेत्र 5

और अधिक जानें

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के बारे में

Viburnum dilatatum, commonly known as Linden Viburnum, is a deciduous shrub native to East Asia, including China, Japan, and Korea. It is known for its attractive foliage, clusters of white flowers, and bright red berries that persist into winter. This plant prefers temperate climates and can grow up to 10 feet tall. It undergoes a dormancy period during the winter months.

के रूप में भी जाना जाता है

Linden viburnum
Viburnum brevipes
Viburnum dilatatum f. xanthocarpum
Viburnum dilatatum var. dilatatum
Viburnum dilatatum var. fulvotomentosum
Viburnum dilatatum var. macrophyllum
Viburnum erosum var. hirsutum
Viburnum fulvotomentosum


मिट्टीचिकनी बलुई मिट्टी का
रोशनीअप्रत्यक्ष उज्ज्वल (6 घंटे)
निद्रा3 महीने

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देखभाल के निर्देश
Linden Viburnum thrives in moderate temperatures and prefers indirect bright light. It should be watered regularly, allowing the soil to dry out partially between waterings. The plant enjoys moderate humidity and should be protected from extreme temperatures.
Viburnum dilatatum prefers well-draining loamy soil that retains some moisture but does not become waterlogged. A slightly acidic to neutral pH is ideal. Ensure the soil has good organic content to support healthy growth.
Use a balanced fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio of 10-10-10. Fertilize in the spring and mid-summer to support growth and flowering. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can harm the plant.
Repotting is generally not necessary for outdoor shrubs, but if grown in a container, repot every 2-3 years or when the plant outgrows its pot. Choose a slightly larger pot with good drainage and fresh loamy soil.
Propagate Viburnum dilatatum through softwood cuttings taken in late spring or early summer. Dip the cuttings in rooting hormone and plant them in a well-draining soil mix. Keep the cuttings moist and in indirect light until roots develop.
Prune Linden Viburnum in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Remove any dead or damaged branches and shape the plant as desired. Regular pruning helps maintain its shape and encourages healthy growth.
Viburnum dilatatum is not known to be toxic to pets or humans. However, as with all plants, it is best to prevent pets and children from ingesting any part of the plant.
Linden Viburnum is valued for its ornamental appeal and wildlife benefits. The berries attract birds, and the flowers are a good source of nectar for pollinators. It can be used as a hedge, in mixed borders, or as a specimen plant in gardens.
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