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Viola odorata
Viola odorata
Viola odorata
Viola odorata

Viola odorata


क्षेत्र 5

और अधिक जानें

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के बारे में

Viola odorata, commonly known as Sweet Violet, is a perennial plant in the Violaceae family. It is native to Europe and Asia but has been widely cultivated in temperate regions around the world. The plant is known for its fragrant purple or white flowers and heart-shaped leaves. It typically goes dormant in the winter months.

के रूप में भी जाना जाता है

Madeiran Ivy
Sweet Violet
Viola austriaca
Viola consimilis
Viola cyclophylla
Viola favratii
Viola floribunda
Viola hortensis
Viola incompta
Viola jucunda
Viola maderensis
Viola odora
Viola odorata f. odorata
Viola odorata subsp. maderensis
Viola odorata var. albiflora
Viola odorata var. incompta
Viola officinalis
Viola pirottae
Viola plantaginea
Viola propinqua
Viola pseudosuavis
Viola sarmentosa
Viola spectabilis
Viola steveni
Viola suaveolens
Viola suavissima
Viola subcarnea
Viola sulfurea
Viola vilmoriniana
Viola vinealis
Viola wiedemannii


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रोशनीअप्रत्यक्ष उज्ज्वल (6 घंटे)
निद्रा3 महीने

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देखभाल के निर्देश
Sweet Violet prefers moderate temperatures and indirect bright light. It thrives in evenly moist soil and enjoys a humid environment. Regular watering is essential, but avoid waterlogging. The plant can be grown both indoors and outdoors, making it versatile for various settings.
Viola odorata prefers loamy soil that is well-draining yet retains moisture. A soil mix that includes organic matter will help maintain the necessary nutrient levels. Ensure the soil pH is slightly acidic to neutral for optimal growth.
Use a balanced fertilizer with a nutrient composition of 5-10-5. Fertilize the plant every 4-6 weeks during the growing season to support healthy growth and flowering.
Repot Sweet Violet every 1-2 years or when it outgrows its current pot. Choose a slightly larger pot with good drainage. Gently remove the plant from its old pot, loosen the roots, and place it in the new pot with fresh soil.
Viola odorata can be propagated through division or from seed. The best time to propagate is in the spring or early fall. For division, carefully separate the plant into smaller sections, ensuring each has roots and shoots. For seeds, sow them in a seed-starting mix and keep them moist until they germinate.
Pruning is beneficial for Sweet Violet to encourage new growth and maintain its shape. Remove spent flowers and any dead or yellowing leaves regularly. Prune back the plant after flowering to promote a second bloom.
Viola odorata is generally non-toxic to pets and humans. However, consuming large quantities of any plant material can cause mild digestive upset. It is always best to keep plants out of reach of pets and children.
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