Spiraea trilobata, commonly known as Three-lobed Spirea, is a deciduous subshrub in the Rosaceae family. Native to temperate regions, it is known for its attractive white flowers that bloom in spring. The plant has a dormancy period during the winter months.
Three-lobed Spirea thrives in temperate climates with moderate temperatures. It prefers bright, direct sunlight and should be watered when the soil partially dries out. The plant does well in moderate humidity and should be protected from extreme cold.
Spiraea trilobata prefers well-draining loam soil. It can tolerate a range of soil types but performs best in moderately fertile soil. Ensure the soil has good drainage to prevent waterlogging.
Use a balanced fertilizer with a nutrient composition of 10-10-10. Fertilize the plant in early spring and again in mid-summer to support healthy growth and flowering.
Repotting is generally not required for Spiraea trilobata as it is typically grown outdoors. However, if grown in a container, repot every 2-3 years to refresh the soil and provide more space for root growth.
Spiraea trilobata can be propagated through softwood cuttings taken in late spring or early summer. Dip the cuttings in rooting hormone and plant them in a well-draining soil mix. Keep the soil moist until roots develop.
Prune Spiraea trilobata after flowering to maintain its shape and encourage new growth. Remove any dead or damaged branches and thin out crowded areas to improve air circulation.
Spiraea trilobata is not known to be toxic to pets or humans. It is generally considered safe to grow in gardens and landscapes.