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Citrus limon
Citrus limon
Citrus limon
Citrus limon

Citrus limon




Citrus limon, commonly known as the lemon tree, is a small evergreen tree native to Asia. It is widely cultivated for its yellow fruit, which is used in culinary and non-culinary applications around the world. The tree thrives in subtropical climates and can be grown both indoors and outdoors. It has a dormancy period of about 3 months during the cooler seasons.

المعروف أيضا باسم

Limn Criollo
Mandarin Lime
Meyer Lemon
Pink Lemon Tree
Variegated Pink
Citrus adamii
Citrus ×aurantium subsp. bergamia
Citrus aurantium subsp. bergamia
Citrus ×aurantium var. mellarosa
Citrus ×aurata
Citrus ×bergamia
Citrus bergamia subsp. mellarosa
Citrus bergamia var. parva
Citrus ×bergamota
Citrus limetta
Citrus limetta subsp. murcica
Citrus ×limettioides
Citrus ×limodulcis
Citrus ×limonelloides
Citrus ×limonia
Citrus ×limonia var. digitata
Citrus ×limonum
Citrus limon var. pompia
Citrus medica f. limon
Citrus medica subsp. limonia
Citrus ×medica subsp. limonum
Citrus medica var. limon
Citrus ×medica var. limonum
Citrus medica var. limonum
Citrus ×mellarosa
Citrus mellarosa var. plena
Citrus mellarosa var. vulgaris
Citrus ×meyeri
Citrus meyerii
Citrus volkameriana
Citrus ×vulgaris
Limon ×vulgaris


ضوءبرايت مباشر (8 ساعات)
درجة حرارة25
السكون3 الشهور
الرقم الهيدروجيني6


تعليمات العناية
Lemon trees require bright, direct sunlight for optimal growth. They prefer moderate temperatures and should be protected from frost. Regular watering is essential, but the soil should be allowed to dry out partially between waterings. Maintaining moderate humidity levels will help the plant thrive.
Lemons (Citrus limon) are typically ready to harvest when they have developed their full color and size, which usually occurs 6 to 9 months after flowering. The best time to harvest is when the fruit is fully yellow and slightly soft to the touch. To harvest, use pruning shears or a sharp knife to cut the fruit from the tree, leaving a small portion of the stem attached to the lemon. Avoid pulling the fruit off by hand, as this can damage the tree and the fruit. It's important to handle the lemons gently to prevent bruising. Harvesting should be done in dry weather to reduce the risk of fungal infections.
Lemon trees prefer well-draining loamy soil that is rich in organic matter. The soil should be kept moist but not waterlogged. Good drainage is crucial to prevent root rot.
Use a balanced fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio of 6-6-6. Fertilize the tree every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. Reduce feeding during the dormancy period.
إعادة السمعة
Repot lemon trees every 2-3 years or when they outgrow their current container. Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one and ensure it has good drainage. Repotting is best done in the spring.
Lemon trees can be propagated from seeds, cuttings, or grafting. The best time to propagate is during the spring or early summer. Cuttings should be taken from healthy, mature trees and rooted in a well-draining soil mix.
Prune lemon trees to maintain their shape and remove any dead or diseased branches. Pruning is best done in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Regular pruning encourages healthy growth and fruit production.
Lemon trees are not toxic to pets or humans. However, the essential oils in the leaves and fruit can cause skin irritation in some individuals. It is advisable to handle the plant with care.
Lemon trees benefit from regular misting to maintain humidity levels, especially when grown indoors. Mulching around the base of the tree can help retain soil moisture and regulate temperature.
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