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Cyperus longus
Cyperus longus
Cyperus longus
Cyperus longus

Cyperus longus




Cyperus longus, commonly known as Sweet Galingale, is a perennial plant native to Europe, Asia, and Africa. It thrives in wetland habitats such as marshes, riverbanks, and ditches. The plant has a dormancy period during the winter months and is known for its long, slender stems and umbrella-like clusters of flowers.

المعروف أيضا باسم

Chlorocyperus longus
Cyperus badius var. brachystachys
Cyperus badius var. neglectus
Cyperus congestus subsp. heldreichianus
Cyperus elongatus
Cyperus fastigiatus
Cyperus fenzelianus var. badiiformis
Cyperus italicus
Cyperus longus f. badiiformis
Cyperus longus f. cypricus
Cyperus longus f. difformis
Cyperus longus f. intermedius
Cyperus longus f. longispiculatus
Cyperus longus f. lucanus
Cyperus longus f. myriostachyus
Cyperus longus f. parlatoris
Cyperus longus var. auratus
Cyperus longus var. discolor
Cyperus longus var. elongatus
Cyperus longus var. guthnickii
Cyperus longus var. heldreichianus
Cyperus longus var. leptochlaenus
Cyperus longus var. pallidior
Cyperus longus var. pallidus
Cyperus longus var. speciosus
Cyperus longus var. tenuiflorus
Cyperus parlatoris var. difformis
Cyperus pertenuis
Cyperus preslii
Cyperus preslii subsp. intermedius
Cyperus racemosus
Cyperus rotundus var. fenzelianus
Cyperus speciosus
Cyperus tenuiflorus
Eucyperus longus
Pycreus longus


ماءمبلل جدا
ضوءبرايت مباشر (6 ساعات)
درجة حرارة20
السكون3 الشهور
الرقم الهيدروجيني6.5


تعليمات العناية
Cyperus longus requires bright, direct sunlight and consistently wet soil. It thrives in moderate temperatures and high humidity. Regular watering is essential to keep the soil moist. The plant can tolerate a range of temperatures but prefers a warm environment.
Cyperus longus prefers loamy soil that is consistently wet or waterlogged. Good drainage is essential to prevent root rot, but the soil should remain moist at all times. A mix of loam and organic matter works well for this plant.
Use a balanced fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio of 10-10-10. Fertilize the plant during the growing season, typically every 4-6 weeks, to ensure it receives the necessary nutrients for optimal growth.
إعادة السمعة
Repot Cyperus longus every 1-2 years or when it outgrows its container. Choose a larger pot with good drainage and fill it with a loamy soil mix. Gently remove the plant from its current pot, loosen the roots, and place it in the new pot. Water thoroughly after repotting.
Cyperus longus can be propagated through division or from seed. The best time to propagate is during the spring. For division, separate the plant into smaller clumps, ensuring each clump has roots attached. Plant the divisions in moist soil and water well.
Prune Cyperus longus to remove dead or damaged stems and to maintain its shape. Pruning is best done in the spring before new growth begins. Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to cut back the stems to the desired height.
Cyperus longus is not toxic to pets or humans. It is safe to grow in gardens where pets and children may be present.
Cyperus longus can be an excellent addition to water gardens or ponds due to its preference for wet conditions. It can also help in controlling soil erosion along water bodies.
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