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Opuntia tomentosa
Opuntia tomentosa
Opuntia tomentosa
Opuntia tomentosa

Opuntia tomentosa




Opuntia tomentosa, commonly known as the Velvet Tree Pear, is a species of cactus in the family Cactaceae. Native to Mexico, it thrives in desert or dry shrubland climates. This succulent shrub or tree is known for its velvety texture and can grow quite large. It has a dormancy period during the cooler months.

المعروف أيضا باسم

Cactus Tomentosus
Nopalea Sylvestre
Nopal Silvestre
Velvet Tree-Pear
Woollyjoint Pricklypear
Cactus hernandezii
Opuntia hernandezii
Opuntia hernandezii var. typica
Opuntia icterica
Opuntia macdougaliana
Opuntia micrarthra
Opuntia oblongata
Opuntia rileyi
Opuntia sarca
Opuntia spraguei
Opuntia tomentella
Opuntia tomentosa var. hernandezii
Opuntia tomentosa var. herrerae
Opuntia tomentosa var. rileyi
Opuntia tomentosa var. spraguei
Opuntia velutina var. macdougaliana
Velvet opuntia


ماءجاف جدا
ضوءبرايت مباشر (8 ساعات)
درجة حرارة25
السكون2 الشهور
الرقم الهيدروجيني6.5


تعليمات العناية
Opuntia tomentosa requires bright, direct sunlight for optimal growth. It thrives in warm temperatures and low humidity. Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. This plant is well-suited for both indoor and outdoor environments, provided it receives adequate light.
This cactus prefers sandy soil with excellent drainage. A cactus or succulent potting mix is ideal. Ensure the soil dries out completely between waterings to prevent root rot.
Opuntia tomentosa does not require frequent fertilization. If desired, a balanced cactus fertilizer can be applied sparingly during the growing season.
إعادة السمعة
Repotting should be done every 2-3 years or when the plant outgrows its container. Use a well-draining cactus mix and handle the plant carefully to avoid damage to its delicate pads.
Propagation is typically done through cuttings. Allow the cut end to callous over for a few days before planting in well-draining soil. This can be done during the warmer months for best results.
Pruning is necessary to remove dead or damaged pads and to control the plant's size. Use clean, sharp tools and handle the plant with care to avoid injury from its spines.
Opuntia tomentosa is not known to be toxic to pets or humans. However, the spines can cause physical injury, so handle with care.
Ensure the plant is placed in a location where it can receive ample sunlight. During the dormancy period, reduce watering and keep the plant in a cooler environment to mimic its natural habitat.
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