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Sempervivum montanum
Sempervivum montanum
Sempervivum montanum
Sempervivum montanum

Sempervivum montanum




Sempervivum montanum, commonly known as Mountain Houseleek, is a succulent perennial plant in the Crassulaceae family. It is native to the mountainous regions of Europe, particularly the Alps and the Pyrenees. This plant forms rosettes of fleshy, evergreen leaves and produces star-shaped flowers. It is well-adapted to temperate climates and can tolerate cold temperatures, making it suitable for rock gardens and alpine settings.

المعروف أيضا باسم

Joubarbe De Montagne
Joubarbe Des Montagnes
Mountain Houseleek
Mountain House-Leek
Sedum montanum
Sempervivum alpestre
Sempervivum candollei
Sempervivum debile
Sempervivum flagelliforme
Sempervivum frigidum
Sempervivum macranthum
Sempervivum minimum
Sempervivum monticola
Sempervivum pauciflorum
Sempervivum subalpinum
Sempervivum thomasii


ضوءبرايت مباشر (6 ساعات)
درجة حرارة١٥
السكون3 الشهور
الرقم الهيدروجيني٦٫٥


تعليمات العناية
Sempervivum montanum is relatively easy to care for. It prefers bright, direct sunlight and can tolerate moderate temperatures. Water the plant sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out almost completely between waterings. It thrives in low humidity environments and does not require frequent fertilization. Ensure good air circulation to prevent fungal diseases.
This plant prefers well-draining soil, such as a loam-based mix. It can tolerate poor soil conditions but performs best in soil with moderate nutrient concentration. Adding sand or gravel to the soil mix can improve drainage, which is crucial for preventing root rot.
Sempervivum montanum does not require frequent fertilization. If desired, a light application of a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer can be applied during the growing season. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to weak growth and reduced hardiness.
إعادة السمعة
Repotting is not frequently required for Sempervivum montanum. However, if the plant outgrows its container or the soil becomes compacted, repotting can be done in the spring. Use a well-draining soil mix and a container with drainage holes. Gently remove the plant from its old pot, shake off excess soil, and place it in the new container.
Sempervivum montanum can be easily propagated through offsets, which are small rosettes that form around the base of the parent plant. These offsets can be separated and planted individually. Propagation is best done in the spring or early summer when the plant is actively growing.
Pruning is generally not required for Sempervivum montanum. However, you can remove any dead or damaged leaves to maintain the plant's appearance. This can be done at any time of the year.
Sempervivum montanum is not toxic to pets or humans. It is a safe plant to have in households with children and animals.
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