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Acer platanoides
Acer platanoides
Acer platanoides
Acer platanoides

Acer platanoides




Acer platanoides, commonly known as the Norway Maple, is a deciduous tree native to eastern and central Europe and western Asia. It is widely planted as a shade tree in urban areas due to its tolerance of pollution and poor soils. The tree can grow up to 20-30 meters tall and has a broad, rounded crown. It has a dormancy period during the winter months.


Norway Maple
Acer dieckii
Acer dieckii f. integrilobum
Acer dieckii f. monstrosum
Acer fallax
Acer laciniatum
Acer lactescens
Acer laetum var. cordifolium
Acer lobelii var. dieckii
Acer lobergii
Acer palmatifidum
Acer platanifolium
Acer platanoides f. acuminatum
Acer platanoides f. adspersum
Acer platanoides f. albescens
Acer platanoides f. albodentatum
Acer platanoides f. albovariegatum
Acer platanoides f. argutum
Acer platanoides f. aureomarginatum
Acer platanoides f. bicolor
Acer platanoides f. buntzleri
Acer platanoides f. coloratum
Acer platanoides f. columnare
Acer platanoides f. commune
Acer platanoides f. cucullatum
Acer platanoides f. cuneatum
Acer platanoides f. dilaceratum
Acer platanoides f. dissectum
Acer platanoides f. drummondii
Acer platanoides f. erectum
Acer platanoides f. globosum
Acer platanoides f. incumbens
Acer platanoides f. irregulare
Acer platanoides f. laciniatum
Acer platanoides f. laetum
Acer platanoides f. latifolium
Acer platanoides f. lorbergii
Acer platanoides f. meyeringii
Acer platanoides f. nanum
Acer platanoides f. pictum
Acer platanoides f. platanoides
Acer platanoides f. plicatum
Acer platanoides f. productum
Acer platanoides f. pseudotruncatum
Acer platanoides f. puckleri
Acer platanoides f. pygmaeum
Acer platanoides f. reitenbachii
Acer platanoides f. roseobullatum
Acer platanoides f. rubrum
Acer platanoides f. rufescens
Acer platanoides f. schwedleri
Acer platanoides f. undulatum
Acer platanoides f. variegatum
Acer platanoides var. albovariegatum
Acer platanoides var. aureovariegatum
Acer platanoides var. bullatum
Acer platanoides var. buntzleri
Acer platanoides var. coloratum
Acer platanoides var. columnare
Acer platanoides var. crispum
Acer platanoides var. cucullatum
Acer platanoides var. decussatum
Acer platanoides var. drummondii
Acer platanoides var. globosum
Acer platanoides var. hederifolium
Acer platanoides var. heterophyllum
Acer platanoides var. heterophyllum-variegatum
Acer platanoides var. incumbens
Acer platanoides var. laciniatum
Acer platanoides var. lactescens
Acer platanoides var. lobatum
Acer platanoides var. macrocarpum
Acer platanoides var. minimum
Acer platanoides var. nanum
Acer platanoides var. palmatifidum
Acer platanoides var. palmatum
Acer platanoides var. palmipartitum
Acer platanoides var. pubescens
Acer platanoides var. purpureum
Acer platanoides var. reitenbachii
Acer platanoides var. rubrum
Acer platanoides var. schwedleri
Acer platanoides var. stollii
Acer platanoides var. undulatum
Acer platanoides var. variegatum
Acer reitenbachii
Acer rotundum
Acer schwedleri
Acer vitifolium
Euacer acutifolium
Euacer platanoides


LichtDirect helder (6 Uur)
Temperatuur15° C
Kiemrust4 Maanden


The Norway Maple thrives in temperate climates and prefers full sun to partial shade. It requires moderate temperatures and humidity levels. Regular watering is necessary, especially during dry periods, but the soil should be allowed to dry out partially between waterings.
Acer platanoides prefers well-drained loamy soil but can tolerate a range of soil types, including clay and sandy soils. The soil should be rich in organic matter to support its growth. Good drainage is essential to prevent root rot.
Fertilize the Norway Maple in early spring with a balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, to support its growth. Apply the fertilizer according to the manufacturer's instructions, and avoid over-fertilizing, which can harm the tree.
As a large tree, the Norway Maple is not typically repotted. Instead, ensure it is planted in a suitable location with enough space for its roots to spread. If grown in a container during its early stages, transplant it to the ground when it outgrows the pot.
Propagate Acer platanoides through seeds or cuttings. Collect seeds in the fall and stratify them over winter before planting in the spring. Softwood cuttings can be taken in early summer and rooted in a moist, well-draining medium.
Prune the Norway Maple in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Remove any dead, diseased, or crossing branches to maintain a healthy structure. Regular pruning helps to shape the tree and promote vigorous growth.
The sap of Acer platanoides can be mildly toxic to pets and humans if ingested, causing gastrointestinal discomfort. The tree's leaves and seeds are also considered toxic to horses, leading to a condition known as 'maple leaf poisoning.'
The Norway Maple is known for its dense canopy, which can create heavy shade and inhibit the growth of understory plants. It is also considered invasive in some regions due to its ability to outcompete native vegetation.
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Hoe te groeien Acer platanoides | EarthOne